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SI Class

Defines constant factors for SI units of measure to handle metric conversions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.Units
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta+203aa83a5a82d50f387e69875549969ad138d6e0
public static class SI
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The SI type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberFactors Gets an array of all the defined SI unit factors ordered from least (Yocto) to greatest (Yotta).
Public propertyStatic memberNames Gets an array of all the defined unit factor SI names ordered from least (Yocto) to greatest (Yotta).
Public propertyStatic memberSymbols Gets an array of all the defined unit factor SI prefix symbols ordered from least (Yocto) to greatest (Yotta).
Public methodStatic memberToScaledString(Double, String, String, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling.
Public methodStatic memberToScaledString(Double, String, String, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling.
Public methodStatic memberToScaledString(Double, Int32, String, String, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling.
Public methodStatic memberToScaledString(Double, String, String, String, Int32, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling given string array of factor names or symbols.
Public fieldStatic memberAtto SI prefix a, 10^-18
Public fieldStatic memberCenti SI prefix c, 10^-2
Public fieldStatic memberDeca SI prefix da, 10^1
Public fieldStatic memberDeci SI prefix d, 10^-1
Public fieldStatic memberExa SI prefix E, 10^18
Public fieldStatic memberFemto SI prefix f, 10^-15
Public fieldStatic memberGiga SI prefix G, 10^9
Public fieldStatic memberHecto SI prefix h, 10^2
Public fieldStatic memberKilo SI prefix k, 10^3
Public fieldStatic memberMega SI prefix M, 10^6
Public fieldStatic memberMicro SI prefix µ, 10^-6
Public fieldStatic memberMilli SI prefix m, 10^-3
Public fieldStatic memberNano SI prefix n, 10^-9
Public fieldStatic memberPeta SI prefix P, 10^15
Public fieldStatic memberPico SI prefix p, 10^-12
Public fieldStatic memberTera SI prefix T, 10^12
Public fieldStatic memberYocto SI prefix y, 10^-24
Public fieldStatic memberYotta SI prefix Y, 10^24
Public fieldStatic memberZepto SI prefix z, 10^-21
Public fieldStatic memberZetta SI prefix Z, 10^21
See Also