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ServerResponse Enumeration

Server responses sent by DataPublisher and received by DataSubscriber.

Namespace: GSF.TimeSeries.Transport
Assembly: GSF.TimeSeries (in GSF.TimeSeries.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public enum ServerResponse
View Source
Member nameValueDescription
Succeeded128 Command succeeded response.
Failed129 Command failed response.
DataPacket130 Data packet response.
UpdateSignalIndexCache131 Update signal index cache response.
UpdateBaseTimes132 Update runtime base-timestamp offsets response.
UpdateCipherKeys133 Update runtime cipher keys response.
DataStartTime134 Data start time response packet.
ProcessingComplete135 Processing complete notification.
BufferBlock136 Buffer block response.
Notify137 Notify response.
ConfigurationChanged138 Configuration changed response.
UserResponse00224 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse01225 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse02226 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse03227 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse04228 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse05229 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse06230 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse07231 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse08232 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse09233 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse10234 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse11235 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse12236 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse13237 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse14238 Code for handling user-defined responses.
UserResponse15239 Code for handling user-defined responses.
NoOP255 No operation keep-alive ping.
See Also