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IReportingProcess Interface

Defines an interface for reporting processes.

Namespace: GSF.TimeSeries.Reports
Assembly: GSF.TimeSeries (in GSF.TimeSeries.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public interface IReportingProcess : IProvideStatus, 
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The IReportingProcess type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArchiveFilePath Gets or sets the path to the archive file to which the statistics required for reporting are archived.
Public propertyCompany Gets or sets the name of the company to be displayed on reports.
Public propertyEnableReportEmail Gets or sets flag to enable e-mailing of reports.
Public propertyFromAddress Gets or sets the "from" address to use when e-mailing reports.
Public propertyIdleReportLifetime Gets or sets the minimum lifetime of a report since the last time it was accessed, in days.
Public propertyName Gets the name of the object providing status information.
(Inherited from IProvideStatus)
Public propertyPersistSettings Determines whether the object settings are to be persisted to the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public propertyReportLocation Gets or sets the directory to which reports will be written.
Public propertyReportType Gets report type (i.e., name) for this reporting process.
Public propertySettingsCategory Gets or sets the category name under which the object settings are persisted in the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public propertySmtpServer Gets or sets SMTP server to use when e-mailing reports.
Public propertyStatus Gets the current status details about object providing status information.
(Inherited from IProvideStatus)
Public propertyTitle Gets or sets the title to be displayed on reports.
Public propertyToAddresses Gets or sets the comma separated "to" addresses to use when e-mailing reports.
Public methodCleanReportLocation Deletes reports from the ReportLocation that have been idle for the length of the IdleReportLifetime.
Public methodGenerateReport Queues up a report to be generated on a separate thread.
Public methodGetArguments Gets the command line arguments for the reporting process.
Public methodGetArguments(DateTime, Boolean) Gets the command line arguments for the reporting process for a given report date.
Public methodGetPendingReportsList Returns the list of reports which are in the queue but are yet to be generated.
Public methodGetReportsList Returns the list of reports that are available from the report location.
Public methodLoadSettings Loads saved settings from the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public methodSaveSettings Saves settings to the config file.
(Inherited from IPersistSettings)
Public methodSetArguments Applies any received command line arguments for the reporting process.
See Also