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IDevice Interface

Represents a device that acts as a source of IMeasurements.

Namespace: GSF.TimeSeries
Assembly: GSF.TimeSeries (in GSF.TimeSeries.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public interface IDevice
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The IDevice type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataQualityErrors Gets or sets total data quality errors of this IDevice.
Public propertyDeviceErrors Gets or sets total device errors of this IDevice.
Public propertyMeasurementsDefined Gets or sets the number of measurements (per frame) defined for this IDevice.
Public propertyMeasurementsExpected Gets or sets total measurements expected to have been received for this IDevice.
Public propertyMeasurementsReceived Gets or sets total measurements received for this IDevice.
Public propertyMeasurementsWithError Gets or sets the number of measurements received while this IDevice was reporting errors.
Public propertyTimeQualityErrors Gets or sets total time quality errors of this IDevice.
See Also