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ISynchronizedOperation Interface

Represents an operation that cannot run while it is already in progress.

Namespace: GSF.Threading
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta+203aa83a5a82d50f387e69875549969ad138d6e0
public interface ISynchronizedOperation
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The ISynchronizedOperation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsPending Gets a value to indiate whether the synchronized operation has an additional operation that is pending execution after the currently running action has completed.
Public propertyIsRunning Gets a value to indicate whether the synchronized operation is currently executing its action.
Public methodRun Executes the action on this thread or marks the operation as pending if the operation is already running.
Public methodRunOnce Executes the action on this thread or marks the operation as pending if the operation is already running.
Public methodRunOnceAsync Executes the action on another thread or marks the operation as pending if the operation is already running.
Public methodTryRun Attempts to execute the action on this thread. Does nothing if the operation is already running.
Public methodTryRunOnce Attempts to execute the action on this thread. Does nothing if the operation is already running.
Public methodTryRunOnceAsync Attempts to execute the action on another thread. Does nothing if the operation is already running.
See Also