| Name | Description |
  | CreateAes |
Creates an Aes encryption algorithm that respects current FIPS setting.
  | CreateSHA1 |
Creates a SHA1 hashing algorithm that respects current FIPS setting.
  | CreateSHA256 |
Creates a SHA256 hashing algorithm that respects current FIPS setting.
  | CreateSHA384 |
Creates a SHA384 hashing algorithm that respects current FIPS setting.
  | CreateSHA512 |
Creates a SHA512 hashing algorithm that respects current FIPS setting.
 | Decrypt(Byte, String, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of decrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Decrypt(String, String, CipherStrength) |
Returns a decrypted string from a Base64 encoded string of binary encrypted data from the given
 | Decrypt(Byte, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of decrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Decrypt(Stream, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) |
Returns a stream of decrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Decrypt(Byte, Int32, Int32, String, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of decrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Decrypt(Byte, Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of decrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Decrypt(Stream, Stream, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength, ActionProcessProgressInt64) |
Decrypts input stream onto output stream for the given parameters.
  | DecryptFile |
Creates a decrypted file from source file data.
 | Encrypt(Byte, String, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Encrypt(String, String, CipherStrength) |
Returns a Base64 encoded string of the returned binary array of the encrypted data, generated with
the given parameters.
 | Encrypt(Byte, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Encrypt(Stream, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) |
Returns a stream of encrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Encrypt(Byte, Int32, Int32, String, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Encrypt(Byte, Int32, Int32, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength) |
Returns a binary array of encrypted data for the given parameters.
 | Encrypt(Stream, Stream, Byte, Byte, CipherStrength, ActionProcessProgressInt64) |
Encrypts input stream onto output stream for the given parameters.
  | EncryptFile |
Creates an encrypted file from source file data.
  | ExportKeyIV |
Exports a key and initialization vector from the local system key cache.
  | FlushCache |
Blocks current thread and waits for any pending save of local system key cache to complete.
  | GetPasswordHash |
Gets the Base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of given user password.
  | ImportKeyIV |
Imports a key and initialization vector into the local system key cache.
  | KeyIVExists |
Determines if a key and initialization vector exists for the given password in the local system key cache.
  | ReloadCache |
Manually loads keys into the local system key cache.