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SchedulePartTextSyntax Enumeration

Indicates the syntax used in a SchedulePart for specifying its values.

Namespace: GSF.Scheduling
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.207-beta+1781b796b2aa7a54013a031eb432fe4ccee31867
public enum SchedulePartTextSyntax
Member nameValueDescription
Any0 Values for the SchedulePart were specified using the '*' text syntax. Included values are all legal values for the DateTimePart that the SchedulePart represents.
EveryN1 Values for the SchedulePart were specified using the '*/n' text syntax. Included values are legal values for the DateTimePart that the SchedulePart represents that are divisible by 'n'.
Range2 Values for the SchedulePart were specified using the 'n1-nn' text syntax. Included values are legal values for the DateTimePart that the SchedulePart represents that are within the specified range.
Specific3 Values for the SchedulePart were specified using the 'n1,n2,nn' text syntax. Included values are specific legal values for the DateTimePart that the SchedulePart represents.
RangeWithEveryN4 Values for the SchedulePart were specified using the 'n1-nn/n' text syntax. Included values are legal values for the DateTimePart that the SchedulePart represents that are within the specified range and that are divisible by 'n'.
See Also