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AssemblyExtensions Class

Defines extension functions related to Assemblies.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.Reflection
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public static class AssemblyExtensions
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The AssemblyExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodBuildDate Gets the date and time when the assembly was last built.
Public Extension MethodCLSCompliant Gets a boolean value indicating whether the indicated program element is CLS-compliant.
Public Extension MethodComCompatibleVersion Gets the string representing the assembly version used to indicate to a COM client that all classes in the current version of the assembly are compatible with classes in an earlier version of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodCompany Gets the company name information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodComVisible Gets a boolean value indicating if the assembly is exposed to COM.
Public Extension MethodConfiguration Gets the configuration information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodCopyright Gets the copyright information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodCultureName Gets the culture name of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodDebuggable Gets a boolean value indicating if the Assembly was built in debug mode.
Public Extension MethodDelaySign Gets a boolean value indicating if the assembly has been built as delay-signed.
Public Extension MethodDescription Gets the description information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodGetAttributes Gets a name/value collection of assembly attributes exposed by the assembly.
Public Extension MethodGetEmbeddedResource Gets the specified embedded resource from the assembly.
Public Extension MethodGuid Gets the assembly GUID that is used as an ID if the assembly is exposed to COM.
Public Extension MethodInformationalVersion Gets the version information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodKeyFile Gets the name of the file containing the key pair used to generate a strong name for the attributed assembly.
Public Extension MethodProduct Gets the product name information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodRootNamespace Gets the root namespace of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodSatelliteContractVersion Gets the assembly version used to instruct the ResourceManager to ask for a particular version of a satellite assembly to simplify updates of the main assembly of an application.
Public Extension MethodShortName Returns only assembly name and version from full assembly name.
Public Extension MethodTitle Gets the title information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodTrademark Gets the trademark information of the assembly.
Public Extension MethodTryLoadAllReferences Recursively attempts to load all assemblies referenced from the given assembly.
Public Extension MethodTypeLibVersion Gets the string representing the assembly version number in MajorVersion.MinorVersion format.
See Also