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DataCell Class

Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IDataCell that can be sent or received.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.PhasorProtocols.BPAPDCstream
Assembly: GSF.PhasorProtocols (in GSF.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public class DataCell : DataCellBase
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The DataCell type exposes the following members.

Public methodDataCell(IDataFrame, IConfigurationCell) Creates a new DataCell.
Protected methodDataCell(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Creates a new DataCell from serialization parameters.
Public methodDataCell(DataFrame, ConfigurationCell, Boolean) Creates a new DataCell from specified parameters.
Public propertyAllValuesAssigned Gets flag that determines if all values of this DataCellBase have been assigned.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyAnalogValues Gets AnalogValueCollectionof this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyAttributesDictionaryTKey, TValue of string based property names and values for the DataCell object.
(Overrides DataCellBaseAttributes)
Public propertyBinaryImage Gets the binary image of the ChannelBase object.
(Inherited from ChannelBase)
Public propertyBinaryLength Gets the length of the DataCell.
(Overrides BinaryImageBaseBinaryLength)
Protected propertyBodyImage Gets the binary body image of the DataCellBase object.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Protected propertyBodyLength Gets the length of the BodyImage.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyChannelFlags Gets or sets channel flags for this DataCell.
Public propertyCommonStatusFlags Gets or sets common status flags of this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyConfigurationCell Gets or sets the ConfigurationCell associated with this DataCell.
Public propertyDataBuffer Gets or sets data buffer long word that prefixes each cell when source data is in the Phasor Data File Format (i.e., a DST file).
Public propertyDataIsSortedByTimestampObsolete.
Gets or sets flag that determines if this DataCell data is sorted by timestamp.
Public propertyDataIsValid Gets or sets flag that determines if data of this DataCell is valid.
(Overrides DataCellBaseDataIsValid)
Public propertyDataModified Gets or sets flag that determines if data is modified by a post-processing device, such as a PDC.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyDataRate Gets or sets data rate of this DataCell.
Public propertyDataSortingType Gets or sets DataSortingType of this DataCell.
(Overrides DataCellBaseDataSortingType)
Public propertyDeviceError Gets or sets flag that determines if source device of this DataCell is reporting an error.
(Overrides DataCellBaseDeviceError)
Public propertyDigitalValues Gets DigitalValueCollectionof this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Protected propertyFooterImage Gets the binary footer image of the BinaryImageBase object.
(Inherited from ChannelBase)
Protected propertyFooterLength Gets the length of the footer portion of the BinaryImageBase object.
(Inherited from BinaryImageBase)
Public propertyFormatFlags Gets or sets FormatFlags from ConfigurationCell associated with this DataCell.
Public propertyFrequencyValue Gets IFrequencyValue of this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Protected propertyHeaderImage Gets the binary header image of the DataCell object.
(Overrides ChannelBaseHeaderImage)
Protected propertyHeaderLength Gets the length of the HeaderImage.
(Overrides BinaryImageBaseHeaderLength)
Public propertyIDCode Gets the numeric ID code for this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyIDLabel Gets ID label of this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyParent Gets or sets the reference to parent DataFrame of this DataCell.
Public propertyPhasorValues Gets PhasorValueCollection of this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyReservedFlag0IsSet Gets or sets flag that determines if reserved flag zero is set.
Public propertyReservedFlag1IsSet Gets or sets flag that determines if reserved flag one is set.
Public propertyReservedFlags Gets or sets reserved flags for this DataCell.
Public propertySampleNumber Gets or sets sample number associated with this DataCell.
Public propertyState Gets or sets the parsing state for the this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyStationName Gets station name of this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertyStatusFlags Gets or sets 16-bit status flags of this DataCellBase.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Public propertySynchronizationIsValid Gets or sets flag that determines if timestamp of this DataCell is valid based on GPS lock.
(Overrides DataCellBaseSynchronizationIsValid)
Public propertyTag Gets or sets a user definable reference to an object associated with this ChannelBase object.
(Inherited from ChannelBase)
Public propertyTimestampIsIncludedObsolete.
Gets or sets flag that determines if timestamp is included with this DataCell.
Public propertyUsePhasorDataFileFormat Gets flag that determines if source data is in the Phasor Data File Format (i.e., a DST file).
Public propertyUsingIeeeFormat Gets or sets flag that determines if this DataCell is using IEEE format.
Public propertyUsingMacrodyneFormat Gets or sets flag that determines if this DataCell is using Macrodyne format.
Public propertyUsingPdcExchangeFormat Gets or sets flag that determines if this DataCell is using the PDC exchange format.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGenerateBinaryImage Generates binary image of the object and copies it into the given buffer, for BinaryLength bytes.
(Inherited from ChannelBase)
Protected methodGenerateBodyImage Generates the binary body image and copies it into the given buffer, for BodyLength bytes.
(Inherited from BinaryImageBase)
Protected methodGenerateFooterImage Generates the binary footer image and copies it into the given buffer, for FooterLength bytes.
(Inherited from BinaryImageBase)
Protected methodGenerateHeaderImage Generates the binary header image and copies it into the given buffer, for HeaderLength bytes.
(Inherited from BinaryImageBase)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetObjectData Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Overrides DataCellBaseGetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext))
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodParseBinaryImage Parses the binary image.
(Overrides BinaryImageBaseParseBinaryImage(Byte, Int32, Int32))
Protected methodParseBodyImage Parses the binary body image.
(Inherited from DataCellBase)
Protected methodParseFooterImage Parses the binary footer image.
(Inherited from BinaryImageBase)
Protected methodParseHeaderImage Parses the binary header image.
(Overrides BinaryImageBaseParseHeaderImage(Byte, Int32, Int32))
Public methodToString Gets the string representation of this ChannelCellBase.
(Inherited from ChannelCellBase)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetEnumValueOrDefault Gets the enumeration constant for value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetEnumValueOrDefaultT Gets the enumeration constant for this value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
See Also