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ISnmpContext Interface

SNMP context interface.

Namespace: GSF.Net.Snmp.Pipeline
Assembly: GSF.Net (in GSF.Net.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public interface ISnmpContext
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The ISnmpContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBinding Gets or sets the binding.
Public propertyCreatedTime Gets the created time.
Public propertyRequest Gets the request.
Public propertyResponse Gets the response.
Public propertySender Gets the sender.
Public propertyTooBig Gets a value indicating whether [too big].
Public methodCopyRequest Copies the request variable bindings to response.
Public methodGenerateResponse Generates the response.
Public methodGenerateTooBig Generates too big message.
Public methodHandleMembership Handles the membership authentication.
Public methodSendResponse Sends out response message.
See Also