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Messenger Class

Messenger class contains all static helper methods you need to send out SNMP messages. Static methods in Manager or Agent class will be removed in the future.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF.Net.Snmp.Messaging
Assembly: GSF.Net (in GSF.Net.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public static class Messenger
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The Messenger type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAuthenticationFailure If the authentication module returns failure, then the message cannot be trusted, so the usmStatsWrongDigests counter is incremented and an error indication (authenticationFailure) together with the OID and value of the incremented counter is returned to the calling module.
Public propertyStatic memberDecryptionError If the privacy module returns failure, then the message can not be processed, so the usmStatsDecryptionErrors counter is incremented and an error indication (decryptionError) together with the OID and value of the incremented counter is returned to the calling module.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxMessageSize Max message size used in #SNMP.
Public propertyStatic memberNextDiscoveryObsolete.
Returns a new discovery request.
Public propertyStatic memberNextMessageId Gets the message counter.
Public propertyStatic memberNextRequestId Gets the request counter.
Public propertyStatic memberNotInTimeWindow If the message is considered to be outside of the Time Window then the usmStatsNotInTimeWindows counter is incremented and an error indication (notInTimeWindow) together with the OID, the value of the incremented counter, and an indication that the error must be reported with a securityLevel of authNoPriv, is returned to the calling module
Public propertyStatic memberUnknownEngineId If the value of the msgAuthoritativeEngineID field in the securityParameters is unknown then the usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs counter is incremented, and an error indication (unknownEngineID) together with the OID and value of the incremented counter is returned to the calling module.
Public propertyStatic memberUnknownSecurityName Information about the value of the msgUserName and msgAuthoritativeEngineID fields is extracted from the Local Configuration Datastore (LCD, usmUserTable). If no information is available for the user, then the usmStatsUnknownUserNames counter is incremented and an error indication (unknownSecurityName) together with the OID and value of the incremented counter is returned to the calling module.
Public propertyStatic memberUnsupportedSecurityLevel If the information about the user indicates that it does not support the securityLevel requested by the caller, then the usmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels counter is incremented and an error indication (unsupportedSecurityLevel) together with the OID and value of the incremented counter is returned to the calling module.
Public propertyStatic memberUseFullRange A flag to control request ID range.
Public methodStatic memberBulkWalk(VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, IListVariable, Int32, Int32, WalkMode, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage)Obsolete.
Walks (based on GET BULK).
Public methodStatic memberBulkWalk(VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, IListVariable, Int32, Int32, WalkMode, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage) Walks (based on GET BULK).
Public methodStatic memberBulkWalkAsync(VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, IListVariable, Int32, WalkMode, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage)Obsolete.
Walks (based on GET BULK).
Public methodStatic memberBulkWalkAsync(VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, IListVariable, Int32, WalkMode, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage) Walks (based on GET BULK).
Public methodStatic memberGet Gets a list of variable binds.
Public methodStatic memberGetAsync Gets a list of variable binds.
Public Extension MethodGetErrorMessage Returns error message for the specific ObjectIdentifier.
Public methodStatic memberGetNextDiscovery Returns a new discovery request.
Public methodStatic memberGetTableObsolete.
Gets a table of variables.
Public methodStatic memberSendInform(Int32, VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, UInt32, IListVariable, Int32, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage)Obsolete.
Sends INFORM message.
Public methodStatic memberSendInform(Int32, VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, UInt32, IListVariable, Int32, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage) Sends INFORM message.
Public methodStatic memberSendInformAsync(Int32, VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, UInt32, IListVariable, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage)Obsolete.
Sends INFORM message.
Public methodStatic memberSendInformAsync(Int32, VersionCode, IPEndPoint, OctetString, OctetString, ObjectIdentifier, UInt32, IListVariable, IPrivacyProvider, ISnmpMessage) Sends INFORM message.
Public methodStatic memberSendTrapV1 Sends a TRAP v1 message.
Public methodStatic memberSendTrapV1Async Sends a TRAP v1 message.
Public methodStatic memberSendTrapV2 Sends TRAP v2 message.
Public methodStatic memberSendTrapV2Async Sends TRAP v2 message.
Public methodStatic memberSet Sets a list of variable binds.
Public methodStatic memberSetAsync Sets a list of variable binds.
Public methodStatic memberWalk Walks (based on GET NEXT).
Public methodStatic memberWalkAsync Walks (based on GET NEXT).
SNMP v3 is not supported in many methods of this class. Please use ISnmpMessage derived classes directly if you want to do v3 operations.
See Also