NoteValueBritish Enumeration
British note value (♪) representing the relative duration of a note.
Namespace: GSF.Media.MusicAssembly: GSF.Media (in GSF.Media.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
Syntaxpublic enum NoteValueBritish
Public Enumeration NoteValueBritish
public enum class NoteValueBritish
GSF.Media.Music.NoteValueBritish = function();
GSF.Media.Music.NoteValueBritish.createEnum('GSF.Media.Music.NoteValueBritish', false);
MembersMember name | Value | Description |
Longa | 0 | Quadruple whole note (i.e., 4 times the length of a whole note). |
Breve | 1 | Double whole note (i.e., 2 times the length of a whole note). |
Semibreve | 2 | Whole note. |
Minim | 3 | Half note (i.e., 1/2 the length of a whole note). |
Crotchet | 4 | Quarter note (i.e., 1/4 the length of a whole note). |
Quaver | 5 | Eighth note (i.e., 1/8 the length of a whole note). |
Semiquaver | 6 | Sixteenth note (i.e., 1/16 the length of a whole note). |
Demisemiquaver | 7 | ThirtySecond note (i.e., 1/32 the length of a whole note). |
Hemidemisemiquaver | 8 | SixtyFourth note (i.e., 1/64 the length of a whole note). |
Quasihemidemisemiquaver | 9 | HundredTwentyEighth note (i.e., 1/128 the length of a whole note). |
TwoHundredFiftySixth | 10 | TwoHundredFiftySixth note (i.e., 1/256 the length of a whole note). |
FiveHundredTwelfth | 11 | FiveHundredTwelfth note (i.e., 1/512 the length of a whole note). |
ThousandTwentyFourth | 12 | ThousandTwentyFourth note (i.e., 1/1024 the length of a whole note). |
RemarksNote duration formula accessible via extension function "Duration()" for given note value.
See Also