| Name | Description |
| AdjustTokenPrivileges |
Win32 AdjustTokenPrivileges function.
| ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr, Int32, WindowsApiSERVICE_DESCRIPTION) |
Win32 ChangeServiceConfig2 function.
| ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr, Int32, WindowsApiSERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS_FLAG) |
Win32 ChangeServiceConfig2 function.
| ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr, Int32, IntPtr) |
Win32 ChangeServiceConfig2 function.
| CloseHandle |
Win32 CloseHandle function.
| CloseServiceHandle |
Win32 CloseServiceHandle function.
| CreateProcessWithTokenW |
Win32 CreateProcessWithTokenW function.
| CryptFindOIDInfo |
Win32 CryptFindOIDInfo function.
| CryptRegisterOIDInfo |
Win32 CryptRegisterOIDInfo function.
| CryptUnregisterOIDInfo |
Win32 CryptUnregisterOIDInfo function.
| DuplicateToken |
Win32 DuplicateToken function.
| DuplicateTokenEx(IntPtr, UInt32, WindowsApiSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, WindowsApiSECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, WindowsApiTOKEN_TYPE, IntPtr) |
Win32 DuplicateTokenEx function.
| DuplicateTokenEx(IntPtr, UInt32, IntPtr, WindowsApiSECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, WindowsApiTOKEN_TYPE, IntPtr) |
Win32 DuplicateTokenEx function.
| FlushFileBuffers |
Flushes the buffers of a specified file and causes all buffered data to be written to a file.
| FormatMessage |
Win32 FormatMessage function.
| FreeSid |
Win32 FreeSid function.
| GetCurrentProcess |
Win32 GetCurrentProcess function.
| GetErrorMessage |
Formats and returns a .NET string containing the Windows API level error message corresponding to the specified error code.
| GetLastError |
Win32 GetLastError function.
| GetLastErrorMessage |
Formats and returns a .NET string containing the Windows API level error message from the last Win32 call.
| GetShellWindow |
Win32 GetShellWindow function.
| GetTokenInformation(IntPtr, WindowsApiTOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, WindowsApiTOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE, UInt32, UInt32) |
Win32 GetTokenInformation function.
| GetTokenInformation(IntPtr, WindowsApiTOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32) |
Win32 GetTokenInformation function.
| GetWindowThreadProcessId |
Win32 GetWindowThreadProcessId function.
| GlobalMemoryStatusEx | |
| InitiateSystemShutdownEx |
Win32 InitiateSystemShutdownEx function.
| IsWow64Process |
Win32 IsWow64Process function.
| LockServiceDatabase |
Win32 LockServiceDatabase function.
| LogonUser |
Win32 LogonUser function.
| LookupAccountName |
Win32 LookupAccountName function.
| LookupPrivilegeValue |
Win32 LookupPrivilegeValue function.
| LsaAddAccountRights |
Win32 LsaAddAccountRights function.
| LsaClose |
Win32 LsaClose function.
| LsaOpenPolicy |
Win32 LsaOpenPolicy function.
| OpenProcess |
Win32 OpenProcess function.
| OpenProcessToken |
Win32 OpenProcessToken function.
| OpenSCManager |
Win32 OpenSCManager function.
| OpenService |
Win32 OpenService function.
| UnlockServiceDatabase |
Win32 UnlockServiceDatabase function.