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IArchive Interface

Defines a repository where time-series data is warehoused by a historian.

Namespace: GSF.Historian
Assembly: GSF.Historian (in GSF.Historian.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public interface IArchive
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The IArchive type exposes the following members.

Public methodClose Closes the repository.
Public methodOpen Opens the repository.
Public methodReadData(IEnumerableInt32, DateTime, DateTime, Boolean) Reads time-series data from the repository.
Public methodReadData(IEnumerableInt32, String, String, Boolean) Reads time-series data from the repository.
Public methodReadData(Int32, DateTime, DateTime, Boolean) Reads time-series data from the repository.
Public methodReadData(Int32, String, String, Boolean) Reads time-series data from the repository.
Public methodReadMetaData Read meta information for the specified historianID.
Public methodReadMetaDataSummary Reads meta information summary for the specified historianID.
Public methodReadStateData Reads state information for the specified historianID.
Public methodReadStateDataSummary Read state information summary for the specified historianID.
Public methodWriteData Writes time-series data to the repository.
Public methodWriteMetaData Writes meta information for the specified historianID to the repository.
Public methodWriteStateData Writes state information for the specified historianID to the repository.
Public eventMetadataUpdated Occurs when associated Metadata file is updated.
See Also