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GuidExtensions Class

Extension methods for Guid.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GSF
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.230-beta+03417d7b5cff037b24e882d7adef82d359b34964
public static class GuidExtensions
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The GuidExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic member__ToBigEndianOrderBytes(Guid)Obsolete.
Mimicks the encoding that was present in BigEndianOrder.
Public methodStatic member__ToBigEndianOrderBytes(Guid, Byte[], Int32)Obsolete.
Mimicks the encoding that was present in BigEndianOrder.
Public methodStatic member__ToBigEndianOrderGuid(Byte[])Obsolete.
Mimicks the encoding that was present in BigEndianOrder.
Public methodStatic member__ToBigEndianOrderGuid(Byte[], Int32)Obsolete.
Mimicks the encoding that was present in BigEndianOrder.
Public methodStatic memberCopyLittleEndianBytes(Guid, Byte*) Writes a Guid in Little Endian byte order.
Public methodStatic memberCopyLittleEndianBytes(Guid, Byte[], Int32) Writes a Guid in Little Endian byte order.
Public methodStatic memberToLittleEndianBytes Gets the little endian encoded bytes.
Public methodStatic memberToLittleEndianGuid(Byte*) Reads a Guid in Little Endian byte order.
Public methodStatic memberToLittleEndianGuid(Byte[]) Reads a Guid in Little Endian byte order.
Public methodStatic memberToLittleEndianGuid(Byte[], Int32) Mimicks the encoding that was present in LittleEndianOrder on a Little Endian CPU.
Public Extension MethodToRfcBytes(Guid) Encodes a Guid following RFC 4122.
Public Extension MethodToRfcBytes(Guid, Byte*) Encodes a Guid following RFC 4122.
Public Extension MethodToRfcBytes(Guid, Byte[], Int32) Encodes a Guid following RFC 4122.
Public methodStatic memberToRfcGuid(Byte*) Decodes a Guid following RFC 4122
Public Extension MethodToRfcGuid(Byte[]) Decodes a Guid following RFC 4122
Public Extension MethodToRfcGuid(Byte[], Int32) Decodes a Guid following RFC 4122
See Also


GSF Namespace