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AttributeType Enumeration

Specifies the type of RadiusPacketAttribute.

Namespace: GSF.Communication.Radius
Assembly: GSF.Communication (in GSF.Communication.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public enum AttributeType
Member nameValueDescription
UserName1 Attribute indicates the name of the user to be authenticated.
UserPassword2 Attribute indicates the password of the user to be authenticated.
ChapPassword3 Attribute indicates the response provided by a PPP CHAP user in reponse to the challenge.
NasIpAddress4 Attribute indicates the identifying IP address of the NAS requesting user authentication.
NasPort5 Attribute indicates the physical port number of the NAS which is authenticating the user.
ServiceType6 Attribute indicates the type of service the user has requested, or the type of service to be provided.
FramedProtocol7 Attribute indicates the framing to be used for framed access.
FramedIpAddress8 Attribute indicates the address to be configured for the user.
FramedIpNetmask9 Attribute indicates the IP netmask to be configured for the user when user is a router to a network.
FramedRouting10 Attribute indicates the routing method for the user when user is a router to a network.
FilterId11 Attribute indicates the name of the filter list for this user.
FramedMtu12 Attribute indicates the MTU to be configured for the user when it is not negotiated by some other means.
FramedCompression13 Attribute indicates a compression protocol to be used for the link.
LoginIpHost14 Attribute indicates the system with which to connect the user when LoginService attribute is included.
LoginService15 Attribute indicates the service to use to connect the user to the login host.
LoginTcpPort16 Attribute indicates the TCP port with which the user is to be connected when LoginService attribute is included.
ReplyMessage18 Attribute indicates the text which may be displayed to the user.
CallbackNumber19 Attribute indicates a dialing string to be used for callback.
CallbackId20 Attribute indicates the name of a place to be called.
FramedRoute22 Attribute provides routing information to be configured for the user on the NAS.
FramedIpxNetwork23 Attribute indicates the IPX Network number to be configured for the user.
State24 Attribute available to be sent by the server to the client in an AccessChallenge and must be sent unmodified from the client to the server in the new AccessRequest reply to the challenge.
Class25 Attribute available to be sent by the server to the client in an AccessAccept and should be sent unmodified by the client to the accounting server as part of the AccountingRequest.
VendorSpecific26 Attribute available to allow vendors to support their own extended attributes.
SessionTimeout27 Attribute sets the maximum number of seconds of service to be provided to the user before termination of the session or prompt.
IdleTimeout28 Attribute sets the maximum number of consecutive seconds of idle connection allowed to the user before termination of the session or prompt.
TerminationAction29 Attribute indicates the action the NAS should take when the specified service is complete.
CallerStationId30 Attribute indicates the phone number that the user called using DNIS or similar technology.
CallingStationId31 Attribute indicates the phone number the call came from using ANI or similar technology.
NasIdentifier32 Attribute indicates a string identifier for the NAS originating the AccessRequest.
ProxyState33 Attribute indicates the state a proxy server forwarding requests to the server.
LoginLatService34 Attribute indicates the system with which the user is to be connected by LAT.
LoginLatNode35 Attribute indicates the Node with which the user is to be automatically connected by LAT.
LoginLatGroup36 Attribute indicates the string identifier for the LAT group codes which the user is authorized to use.
FramedAppleTalkLink37 Attribute indicates the AppleTalk network number which should be used for the serial link to the user.
FramedAppleTalkNetwork38 Attribute indicates the AppleTalk Network number which the NAS should probe to allocate an AppleTalk node for the user.
FramedAppleTalkZone39 Attribute indicates the AppleTalk Default Zone to be used for this user.
ChapChallenge60 Attribute contains the CHAP Challenge sent by the NAS to a PPP CHAP user.
NasPortType61 Attribute indicates the type of physical port of the NAS which is authenticating the user.
PortLimit62 Attribute sets the maximum number of ports to be provided to the user by the NAS.
LoginLatPort63 Attribute indicates the Port with which the user is to be connected by the LAT.
See Also