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ISupportSourceIdentifiableFrameImage<TSourceIdentifier, TTypeIdentifier> Properties

The ISupportSourceIdentifiableFrameImage<TSourceIdentifier, TTypeIdentifier> type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AllowQueuedPublication Gets flag that determines if frame image can queued for publication or should be processed immediately.
(Inherited from ISupportFrameImage<TTypeIdentifier>)
Public property BinaryLength Gets the length of the binary image.
(Inherited from ISupportBinaryImage)
Public property CommonHeader Gets or sets current ICommonHeader<TTypeIdentifier>.
(Inherited from ISupportFrameImage<TTypeIdentifier>)
Public property Source Gets or sets the data source identifier of the frame image.
Public property TypeID Gets the identifier that can be used for identifying the Type.
(Inherited from ISupportFrameImage<TTypeIdentifier>)
See Also