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RadiusClient Properties

The RadiusClient type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property NewPinModeMessage1 Gets or sets the text for comparing with the text of ReplyMessage attribute in an AccessChallenge server response to determine whether or not Step 1 (ensuring that the user account is in the "New Pin" mode) of creating a new pin was successful.
Public property NewPinModeMessage2 Gets or sets the text for comparing with the text of ReplyMessage attribute in an AccessChallenge server response to determine whether or not Step 2 (new pin is accepted in attempt #1) of creating a new pin was successful.
Public property NewPinModeMessage3 Gets or sets the text for comparing with the text of ReplyMessage attribute in an AccessChallenge server response to determine whether or not Step 3 (new pin is accepted in attempts #2) of creating a new pin was successful.
Public property NextTokenModeMessage Gets or sets the text for comparing with the text of ReplyMessage attribute in an AccessChallenge server response to determine whether or not a user account is in the "Next Token" mode.
Public property ReponseTimeout Gets or sets the time (in milliseconds) to wait for a response from server after sending a request.
Public property RequestAttempts Gets or sets the number of time a request is to sent to the server until a valid response is received.
Public property ServerName Gets or sets the name or address of the RADIUS server.
Public property ServerPort Gets or sets the port number of the RADIUS server.
Public property SharedSecret Gets or sets the shared secret used between the client and server for encryption and authentication.
See Also