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ObservationRecordStartTime Property

Gets the starting time of the data in the observation record. This time should be used as the base time for all relative seconds recorded in the series instances.

Namespace: GSF.PQDIF.Logical
Assembly: GSF.PQDIF (in GSF.PQDIF.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
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The ObservationRecord contains two timestamp fields: StartTime and TimeTriggered. The StartTime is a required part of any Observation, whereas the TimeTriggered is optional. The StartTime does not have to be the same as the trigger time and can therefore be chosen more or less arbitrarily. For instance, you can choose to record the StartTime as the timestamp of the first data point in the observation or the top of an interval in which the data was captured. The trigger time field is more well defined, essentially always representing the point in time at which the data source decided to capture some data in the PQDIF file.
See Also