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GSF.Web.Hosting Namespace

Contains classes that make-up the framework for serving content embedded in .NET assemblies over the web.
  Class Description
Public class Code example EmbeddedResourceFileAttribute Attribute indicating the location of an embedded resource that should be served by the EmbeddedResourcePathProvider.
Public class EmbeddedResourcePathProvider A VirtualPathProvider that allows serving pages from embedded resources.
Public class EmbeddedResourceVirtualFile Represents a file object in embedded resource space.
Public class ReadonlyWebServerOptions Represents an immutable version of WebServerOptions.
Public class VirtualFileBaseCollection A strongly typed KeyedCollectionTKey, TItem where each element is a VirtualFileBase and is keyed off of the VirtualPath property.
Public class WebPageController Defines a mini-web server with Razor support using the self-hosted API controller.
Public class WebPageControllerAppBuilderExtensions Defines extension function for registering WebPageController in web server pipeline.
Public class WebServer Represents the web server engine for WebPageController instances.
Public class WebServerOptions Represents configuration options for a WebServer instance.
  Interface Description
Public interface IHostedHttpHandler Defines an HTTP handler for self-hosted WebServer instances.
Public interface IWebPageControllerBuilder Configures the WebPageController when adding it to the Owin pipeline.