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GSF.ServiceModel Namespace

Contains classes and interfaces that provide the basic infrastructure for writting web services.
  Class Description
Public class JsonFault Defines a class for JSON faults.
Public class JsonFaultHandler Creates an error handler for encoding errors as JSON responses.
Public class JsonFaultWebHttpBehavior Extends WebHttpBehavior for JSON error handling.
Public class Code example SecurityPolicy Represents an authorization policy that can be used by WCF services for enabling role-based security.
Public class Code example SelfHostingService A base class for web service that can send and receive data over REST (Representational State Transfer) interface.
Public class Service Defines helper methods related to WCF-based web services.
  Interface Description
Public interface IPolicyRetriever Defines a web service interface to allow policy retrieval for cross-domain access from Silverlight and Flash browser controls.
Public interface ISelfHostingService Defines a web service that can send and receive data over REST (Representational State Transfer) interface.