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GSF.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Namespace

Contains classes and attributes used for component modeling used with data annotations.
  Class Description
Public class AcronymValidationAttribute Represents a RegularExpressionAttribute for validating Acronyms, i.e., expressions that consist only of upper case letters, numbers, '!', '-', '@', '#', '_' , '.' or '$'.
Public class EmailValidationAttribute Represents a RegularExpressionAttribute for validating e-mail addresses.
Public class InitialValueScriptAttribute Defines an attribute that will define an initial value script for a modeled table field that will get evaluated and assigned in the target use environment, e.g., Javascript.
Public class IsDeletedFlagAttribute Defines an attribute that will define the field name that represents a record marked for deletion.
Public class LabelAttribute Defines an attribute that will define a UI label to used for a modeled table field.
Public class PrimaryLabelAttribute Defines an attribute that will define the field name that best represents the row identification to a user.
Public class UrlValidationAttribute Represents a RegularExpressionAttribute for validating URL's.