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UInt24(Byte, Int32) Constructor

Creates 24-bit unsigned integer from three bytes at a specified position in a byte array.

Namespace: GSF
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta+925724bd48239ba1d4417fe63f8c4977892ab734
public UInt24(
	byte[] value,
	int startIndex
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value  Byte
An array of bytes.
startIndex  Int32
The starting position within value.
ArgumentNullExceptionvalue cannot be null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionstartIndex is greater than value length.
ArgumentExceptionvalue length from startIndex is too small to represent a UInt24.

You can use this constructor in-lieu of a System.BitConverter.ToUInt24 function.

Bytes endian order assumed to match that of currently executing process architecture (little-endian on Intel platforms).

See Also