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DataSubscriberRemotelySynchronizedSubscribe Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Subscribes (or re-subscribes) to a data publisher for a remotely synchronized set of data points.

Namespace: GSF.TimeSeries.Transport
Assembly: GSF.TimeSeries (in GSF.TimeSeries.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
[ObsoleteAttribute("Preferred method uses SubscriptionInfo object to subscribe.", 
public virtual bool RemotelySynchronizedSubscribe(
	bool compactFormat,
	int framesPerSecond,
	double lagTime,
	double leadTime,
	string filterExpression,
	string dataChannel = null,
	bool useLocalClockAsRealTime = false,
	bool ignoreBadTimestamps = false,
	bool allowSortsByArrival = true,
	long timeResolution = 10000,
	bool allowPreemptivePublishing = true,
	DownsamplingMethod downsamplingMethod = DownsamplingMethod.LastReceived,
	string startTime = null,
	string stopTime = null,
	string constraintParameters = null,
	int processingInterval = -1,
	string waitHandleNames = null,
	int waitHandleTimeout = 0
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compactFormat  Boolean
Boolean value that determines if the compact measurement format should be used. Set to false for full fidelity measurement serialization; otherwise set to true for bandwidth conservation.
framesPerSecond  Int32
The desired number of data frames per second.
lagTime  Double
Allowed past time deviation tolerance, in seconds (can be sub-second).
leadTime  Double
Allowed future time deviation tolerance, in seconds (can be sub-second).
filterExpression  String
Filtering expression that defines the measurements that are being subscribed.
dataChannel  String  (Optional)
Desired UDP return data channel connection string to use for data packet transmission. Set to null to use TCP channel for data transmission.
useLocalClockAsRealTime  Boolean  (Optional)
Boolean value that determines whether or not to use the local clock time as real-time.
ignoreBadTimestamps  Boolean  (Optional)
Boolean value that determines if bad timestamps (as determined by measurement's timestamp quality) should be ignored when sorting measurements.
allowSortsByArrival  Boolean  (Optional)
Gets or sets flag that determines whether or not to allow incoming measurements with bad timestamps to be sorted by arrival time.
timeResolution  Int64  (Optional)
Gets or sets the maximum time resolution, in ticks, to use when sorting measurements by timestamps into their proper destination frame.
allowPreemptivePublishing  Boolean  (Optional)
Gets or sets flag that allows system to preemptively publish frames assuming all expected measurements have arrived.
downsamplingMethod  DownsamplingMethod  (Optional)
Gets the total number of down-sampled measurements processed by the concentrator.
startTime  String  (Optional)
Defines a relative or exact start time for the temporal constraint to use for historical playback.
stopTime  String  (Optional)
Defines a relative or exact stop time for the temporal constraint to use for historical playback.
constraintParameters  String  (Optional)
Defines any temporal parameters related to the constraint to use for historical playback.
processingInterval  Int32  (Optional)
Defines the desired processing interval milliseconds, i.e., historical play back speed, to use when temporal constraints are defined.
waitHandleNames  String  (Optional)
Comma separated list of wait handle names used to establish external event wait handles needed for inter-adapter synchronization.
waitHandleTimeout  Int32  (Optional)
Maximum wait time for external events, in milliseconds, before proceeding.

Return Value

true if subscribe transmission was successful; otherwise false.

When the startTime or stopTime temporal processing constraints are defined (i.e., not null), this specifies the start and stop time over which the subscriber session will process data. Passing in null for the startTime and stopTime specifies the subscriber session will process data in standard, i.e., real-time, operation.

With the exception of the values of -1 and 0, the processingInterval value specifies the desired historical playback data processing interval in milliseconds. This is basically a delay, or timer interval, over which to process data. Setting this value to -1 means to use the default processing interval while setting the value to 0 means to process data as fast as possible.

The startTime and stopTime parameters can be specified in one of the following formats:
Time FormatFormat Description
12-30-2000 23:59:59.033Absolute date and time.
*Evaluates to UtcNow.
*-20sEvaluates to 20 seconds before UtcNow.
*-10mEvaluates to 10 minutes before UtcNow.
*-1hEvaluates to 1 hour before UtcNow.
*-1dEvaluates to 1 day before UtcNow.

See Also