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CurveFitLeastSquares Method

Uses least squares linear regression to estimate the coefficients a, b, and c from the given (x,y,z) data points for the equation z = a + bx + cy.

Namespace: GSF.NumericalAnalysis
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta+203aa83a5a82d50f387e69875549969ad138d6e0
public static void LeastSquares(
	double[] zValues,
	double[] xValues,
	double[] yValues,
	out double a,
	out double b,
	out double c
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zValues  Double
z-value array
xValues  Double
x-value array
yValues  Double
y-value array
a  Double
the out a coefficient
b  Double
the out b coefficient
c  Double
the out c coefficient
See Also