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Int24Parse(String, IFormatProvider) Method

Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 24-bit signed integer equivalent.

Namespace: GSF
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta+925724bd48239ba1d4417fe63f8c4977892ab734
public static Int24 Parse(
	string s,
	IFormatProvider provider
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s  String
A string containing a number to convert.
provider  IFormatProvider
A IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information about s.

Return Value

A 24-bit signed integer equivalent to the number contained in s.
ArgumentNullExceptions is null.
OverflowException s represents a number less than Int24.MinValue or greater than Int24.MaxValue.
FormatExceptions is not in the correct format.
See Also