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ITableOperationsQueryRecordsWhere Method

Queries database and returns modeled table records for the specified SQL filter expression and parameters.

Namespace: GSF.Data.Model
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta+203aa83a5a82d50f387e69875549969ad138d6e0
IEnumerable QueryRecordsWhere(
	string filterExpression,
	params Object[] parameters
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filterExpression  String
Filter SQL expression for restriction as a composite format string - does not include WHERE. When escaping is needed for field names, use standard ANSI quotes.
parameters  Object
Restriction parameter values.

Return Value

An enumerable of modeled table row instances for queried records.

Each indexed parameter, e.g., "{0}", in the composite format filterExpression will be converted into query parameters where each of the corresponding values in the parameters collection will be applied as IDbDataParameter values to an executed IDbCommand query.

If any of the specified parameters reference a table field that is modeled with either an EncryptDataAttribute or FieldDataTypeAttribute, then the function GetInterpretedFieldValue(String, Object) will need to be called, replacing the target parameter with the returned value so that the field value will be properly set prior to executing the database function.

If needed, field names that are escaped with standard ANSI quotes in the filter expression will be updated to reflect what is defined in the user model.

This is a convenience call to QueryRecords(String, RecordRestriction, Int32) only specifying the RecordRestriction parameter.

See Also