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ValueExpressionParserTUpdateExpressionsForTypeTValueExpressionAttribute(IEnumerablePropertyInfo, TypeRegistry) Method

Generates a delegate that will execute expression assignments on an instance of type T where expressions are TValueExpressionAttribute instances that are declared on the type T properties. Target T instance is accepted as the parameter to the returned delegate ActionT.

Namespace: GSF.ComponentModel
Assembly: GSF.Core (in GSF.Core.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta+925724bd48239ba1d4417fe63f8c4977892ab734
public static Action<T> UpdateExpressionsForType<TValueExpressionAttribute>(
	IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties = null,
	TypeRegistry typeRegistry = null
where TValueExpressionAttribute : Attribute, IValueExpressionAttribute
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properties  IEnumerablePropertyInfo  (Optional)
Specific properties to target, or null to target all properties.
typeRegistry  TypeRegistry  (Optional)
Type registry to use when parsing TValueExpressionAttribute instances, or null to use DefaultTypeRegistry.

Type Parameters

IValueExpressionAttribute parameter type.

Return Value

Generated delegate that will execute expression assignments on T instances.
This function is useful for generating a delegate to a compiled function that will execute expression assignments on objects of type T where properties of the type of have been decorated with TValueExpressionAttribute attributes. Note that the expression in the TValueExpressionAttribute attribute is expected to evaluate to a property such that it can be assigned the target type T property value.
Note  Note
This function will assign current modeled property values back to expressions, this is often useful when a model is being synchronized to an external source, e.g., user interface elements.
See Also