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Grid Solutions Framework

VoltageAdjustmentStrategy Enumeration

Represents the strategy used to adjust voltage values for power calculations based on the nature of the voltage measurement.

Namespace: PowerCalculations
Assembly: PowerCalculations (in PowerCalculations.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public enum VoltageAdjustmentStrategy
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Member nameValueDescription
LineToNeutral0 Factor of 3 adjustment (S=3*V*I)
LineToLine1 Factor of Sqrt(3) adjustment (S=Sqrt(3)*V*I)
LineToNeutralSinglePhase2 Factor of 1 adjustment (S=1*V*I). Same as None.
LineToLineSinglePhase3 Factor of 1/Sqrt(3) adjustment (S=V*I/Sqrt(3))
None4 No adjustment (S=V*I)
See Also