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Concentrator Class

Represents an IEEE C37.118 phasor data concentrator.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: PhasorProtocolAdapters.IeeeC37_118
Assembly: PhasorProtocolAdapters (in PhasorProtocolAdapters.dll) Version: 2.4.232-beta
public class Concentrator : PhasorDataConcentratorBase
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The Concentrator type exposes the following members.

Public methodConcentratorInitializes a new instance of the Concentrator class
Public propertyActiveConnections Gets the total number of active socket connections.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAllowPreemptivePublishing Gets or sets flag that allows system to preemptively publish frames assuming all ExpectedMeasurements have arrived.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAllowSortsByArrival Gets or sets flag that determines whether or not to allow incoming measurements with bad timestamps to be sorted by arrival time.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAnalogScalingValue Gets or sets the integer scaling value to apply to analog values published by this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAutoPublishConfigurationFrame Gets or sets flag that determines if configuration frame should be automatically published at the top of each minute on the data channel.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAutoStart Gets or sets flag indicating if adapter should automatically start or otherwise connect on demand.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyAutoStartDataChannel Gets or sets flag that determines if concentrator will automatically start data channel.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAverageLatency Gets the average latency in milliseconds over the last test interval.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAverageMeasurementsPerSecond Gets the average value of the measurements per second calculation.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyAveragePublicationTimePerFrame Gets the average required frame publication time, in seconds.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyBaseConfigurationFrame Gets the protocol independent ConfigurationFrame defined for this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Protected propertyCommandChannel Gets or sets reference to TcpServer command channel, attaching and/or detaching to events as needed.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyConfigurationFrame Gets or sets the protocol specific IConfigurationFrame used to send to clients for protocol parsing.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyConfigurationFrame2 Gets the CFG-2 frame instance.
Public propertyConfigurationFrame3 Gets the CFG-3 frame instance.
Public propertyConnectedClientCount Gets the current number of known connected clients on the command channel.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyConnectionInfo Gets connection info for adapter, if any.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyConnectionString Gets or sets key/value pair connection information specific to action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyCoordinateFormat Gets or sets the CoordinateFormat defined for this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyCurrentScalingValue Gets or sets the integer scaling value to apply to current values published by this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Protected propertyDataChannel Gets or sets reference to UdpServer data channel, attaching and/or detaching to events as needed.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyDataFormat Gets or sets the DataFormat defined for this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyDataSource Gets or sets DataSet based data source available to this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyDigitalMaskValue Gets or sets the digital mask value made available in configuration frames for use with digital values published by this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyDiscardedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements that have been discarded because of old timestamps (i.e., measurements that were outside the time deviation tolerance from base time, past or future).
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyDownsampledMeasurements Gets the total number of down-sampled measurements processed by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyDownsamplingMethod Gets or sets the DownsamplingMethod to be used by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyElevation Gets or sets default PMU_ELEV value to assign to PMUs in configuration 3 frames.
Public propertyEnabled Gets or sets the current enabled state of concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyExpectedMeasurements Gets or sets the expected number of measurements to be assigned to a single frame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyFramesAheadOfSchedule Gets the total number of frames ahead of schedule processed by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyFramesPerSecond Gets or sets the number of frames per second.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyGroupDelay Gets or sets default GRP_DLY value to assign to PMUs in configuration 3 frames.
Public propertyID Gets or sets numeric ID associated with this action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyIDCode Gets ID code defined for this PhasorDataConcentratorBase parsed from the ConnectionString.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyIgnoreBadTimestamps Gets or sets flag that determines if bad timestamps (as determined by measurement's timestamp quality) should be ignored when sorting measurements.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyInitializationTimeout Gets or sets maximum time system will wait during Start for initialization.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyInitialized Gets or sets flag indicating if the action adapter has been initialized successfully.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets primary keys of input measurements the action adapter expects.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyInputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter input measurement keys.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyIsDisposed Gets a flag that indicates whether the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyLagTicks Gets defined past time deviation tolerance, in ticks.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLagTime Gets or sets the allowed past time deviation tolerance, in seconds (can be sub-second).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyLastDiscardedMeasurement Gets a reference the last IMeasurement that was discarded by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLastDiscardedMeasurementLatency Gets the calculated latency of the last IMeasurement that was discarded by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLastFrame Gets reference to the last published IFrame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLatestMeasurements Gets reference to the collection of absolute latest received measurement values.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLeadTime Gets or sets the allowed future time deviation tolerance, in seconds (can be sub-second).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyLifetimeAverageLatency Gets the average latency calculated over the full lifetime of the output stream.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLifetimeMaximumLatency Gets the maximum latency calculated over the full lifetime of the output stream.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLifetimeMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements processed through this output stream over the lifetime of the output stream.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyLifetimeMinimumLatency Gets the minimum latency calculated over the full lifetime of the output stream.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Protected propertyLog Log messages generated by an adapter.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyMaximumLabelLength Gets the maximum label length for string fields in configuration frames.
(Overrides PhasorDataConcentratorBaseMaximumLabelLength)
Public propertyMaximumLatency Gets the maximum latency in milliseconds over the last test interval.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyMaximumMeasurementsPerSecond Gets the maximum value of the measurements per second calculation.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyMaximumPublicationTimeout Gets or sets the maximum frame publication timeout in milliseconds, set to Infinite(-1) to wait indefinitely.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyMeasurementsSortedByArrival Gets the total number of measurements that were sorted by arrival because the measurement reported a bad timestamp quality.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyMinimumLatency Gets the minimum latency in milliseconds over the last test interval.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyMinimumMeasurementsPerSecond Gets the minimum value of the measurements per second calculation.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyMinimumMeasurementsToUse Gets or sets minimum number of input measurements required for adapter. Set to -1 to require all.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyMissedSortsByTimeout Gets the total number of missed sorts by timeout processed by the concentrator.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyName Gets name of the action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyNominalFrequency Gets or sets the nominal LineFrequency defined for this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyOutputMeasurements Gets or sets output measurements that the action adapter will produce, if any.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyOutputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter output measurements.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyPerformTimestampReasonabilityCheck Gets or sets flag that determines if timestamp reasonability checks should be performed on incoming measurements (i.e., measurement timestamps are compared to system clock for reasonability using LeadTime tolerance).
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyProcessByReceivedTimestamp Gets or sets flag that determines if concentrator should sort measurements by received time.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyProcessDataValidFlag Gets or sets flag that determines if the data valid flag assignments should be processed during frame publication.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyProcessedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements successfully sorted.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyProcessingInterval Gets or sets the desired processing interval, in milliseconds, for the adapter.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected propertyPublishChannel Gets reference to current IServer publication channel.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyPublishedFrames Gets the total number of published frames.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyPublishedMeasurements Gets the total number of published measurements.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyQueueState Gets detailed state of concentrator frame queue.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyRealTime Gets the most accurate time value that is available. If UseLocalClockAsRealTime = true, then this function will return UtcNow. Otherwise, this function will return the timestamp of the most recent measurement, or UtcNow if no measurement timestamps are within time deviation tolerances as specified by the LeadTime value.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyReceivedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements ever requested for sorting.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyReplaceWithSpaceChar Gets or sets character that will be replaced with a space in output labels.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyRequestedInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets input measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyRequestedOutputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets output measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyRespectInputDemands Gets or sets flag indicating if action adapter should respect auto-start requests based on input demands.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyRespectOutputDemands Gets or sets flag indicating if action adapter should respect auto-start requests based on output demands.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyRoundToNearestTimestamp Gets or sets a value to indicate whether the concentrator should round to the nearest frame timestamp rather than rounding down to the nearest timestamps.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyRunTime Gets the total amount of time, in seconds, that the concentrator has been active.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyServiceClass Gets or sets default SVC_CLASS value, 'M' or 'P', to assign to PMUs in configuration 3 frames.
Public propertySettings Gets settings DictionaryTKey, TValue parsed when ConnectionString was assigned.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected propertyShowConcentratorStatus Gets flags that determines if ConcentratorBase class status should be included in ActionAdapterBase status.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected propertySignalReferences Gets a reference to the signal reference dictionary for the output stream targets, i.e., a source MeasurementKey to target SignalReference array map.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyStartTime Gets the UTC time the concentrator was started.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyStartTimeConstraint Gets the start time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertyStatus Returns the detailed status of this Concentrator.
(Overrides PhasorDataConcentratorBaseStatus)
Public propertyStopTime Gets the UTC time the concentrator was stopped.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyStopTimeConstraint Gets the stop time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public propertySupportsTemporalProcessing Gets the flag indicating if this adapter supports temporal processing.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyTargetConfigurationType Gets or sets target output type for configuration frames. For example, setting property to Std2011 will target ConfigurationFrame3 outputs.
Public propertyTicksPerFrame Gets the number of ticks per frame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyTimeBase Gets or sets IEEE C37.118 time base for this concentrator instance.
Public propertyTimeResolution Gets or sets the maximum time resolution, in ticks, to use when sorting measurements by timestamps into their proper destination frame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyTotalBytesSent Gets the total number of bytes sent to clients of this output stream.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyTotalPublicationTime Gets the total number of seconds frames have spent in the publication process since concentrator started.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyTrackLatestMeasurements Gets or sets flag to start tracking the absolute latest received measurement values.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyUseLocalClockAsRealTime Gets or sets flag that determines whether or not to use the local clock time as real-time.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyUsePrecisionTimer Gets or sets flag that determines if precision timer should be used for frame publication.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyValidateIDCode Gets or sets flag that determines if concentrator will validate ID code before processing commands.
Public propertyVoltageScalingValue Gets or sets the integer scaling value to apply to voltage values published by this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public propertyWaitHandleExpirations Gets the total number of wait handle expirations encountered due to delayed precision timer releases.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public propertyWindow Gets or sets default WINDOW value to assign to PMUs in configuration 3 frames.
Protected methodAssignMeasurementToFrame Assign IMeasurement to its IFrame.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Protected methodCacheConfigurationFrame Serialize configuration frames, types 2 and 3, to cache folder for later use (if needed).
(Overrides PhasorDataConcentratorBaseCacheConfigurationFrame(IConfigurationFrame, String))
Public methodStatic memberCastToConfigurationFrame1 Converts given IEEE C37.118 type 2 sourceFrame into a type 1 configuration frame.
Public methodStatic memberCreateConfigurationFrame2 Creates a new IEEE C37.118 ConfigurationFrame2 based on provided protocol independent baseConfigurationFrame.
Public methodStatic memberCreateConfigurationFrame3 Creates a new IEEE C37.118 ConfigurationFrame3 based on provided protocol independent baseConfigurationFrame.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDataFrame Creates a new IEEE C37.118 specific DataFrame for the given timestamp.
Protected methodCreateNewConfigurationFrame Creates a new IEEE C37.118 specific IConfigurationFrame based on provided protocol independent baseConfigurationFrame.
(Overrides PhasorDataConcentratorBaseCreateNewConfigurationFrame(ConfigurationFrame))
Protected methodCreateNewFrame Creates a new IEEE C37.118 specific DataFrame for the given timestamp.
(Overrides ConcentratorBaseCreateNewFrame(Ticks))
Protected methodDeviceCommandHandler Handles incoming commands from devices connected over the command channel.
(Overrides PhasorDataConcentratorBaseDeviceCommandHandler(Guid, String, Byte, Int32))
Public methodDispose Releases all the resources used by the ConcentratorBase object.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the PhasorDataConcentratorBase object and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodExamineQueueState Examines the concentrator frame queue state of the ActionAdapterBase.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodFinalize Releases the unmanaged resources before the ConcentratorBase object is reclaimed by GC.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected methodGetConnectionID Gets connection ID (i.e., IP:Port) for specified clientID.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodGetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodGetShortStatus Gets a short one-line status of this ActionAdapterBase.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodInitialize Initializes Concentrator.
(Overrides PhasorDataConcentratorBaseInitialize)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodMillisecondsFromRealTime Returns the deviation, in milliseconds, that the given number of ticks is from real-time (i.e., RealTime).
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected methodOnConfigurationChanged Raises ConfigurationChanged event.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodOnDiscardingMeasurements Raises the DiscardingMeasurements event.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected methodOnInputMeasurementKeysUpdated Raises InputMeasurementKeysUpdated event.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodOnNewMeasurements Raises the NewMeasurements event.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodOnOutputMeasurementsUpdated Raises OutputMeasurementsUpdated event.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodOnProcessException(Exception)Obsolete.
Raises the ProcessException event.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected methodOnProcessException(MessageLevel, Exception, String, MessageFlags) Raises the ProcessException event.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected methodOnStatusMessage(String)Obsolete.
Raises the StatusMessage event.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodOnStatusMessage(String, Object)Obsolete.
Raises the StatusMessage event with a formatted status message.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodOnStatusMessage(MessageLevel, String, String, MessageFlags) Raises the StatusMessage event and sends this data to the Logger.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Protected methodOnUnpublishedSamples Raises the UnpublishedSamples event.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Protected methodPublishConfigFrame Execute the publish operation for a configuration frame.
(Overrides PhasorDataConcentratorBasePublishConfigFrame(Ticks))
Protected methodPublishFrame Publish IFrame of time-aligned collection of IMeasurement values that arrived within the concentrator's defined LagTime.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodQueueMeasurementsForProcessing Queues a collection of measurements for processing.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodResetLatencyCounters Resets counters related to latency calculations.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodResetLifetimeCounters Resets the counters for the lifetime statistics without interrupting the adapter's operations.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodResetStatistics Resets the statistics of the ActionAdapterBase.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public methodSecondsFromRealTime Returns the deviation, in seconds, that the given number of ticks is from real-time (i.e., RealTime).
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public methodSetInitializedState Manually sets the initialized state of the ActionAdapterBase.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public methodSetTemporalConstraint Defines a temporal processing constraint for the adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public methodSortMeasurement Sorts the IMeasurement placing the data point in its proper IFrame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public methodSortMeasurements Sorts each IMeasurement placing each data point in its proper IFrame.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public methodStart Starts the PhasorDataConcentratorBase, if it is not already running.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodStartDataChannel Starts the PhasorDataConcentratorBase real-time data stream.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodStop Stops the PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodStopDataChannel Stops the PhasorDataConcentratorBase real-time data stream.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodTryGetMinimumNeededMeasurements Attempts to retrieve the minimum needed number of measurements from the frame (as specified by MinimumMeasurementsToUse)
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public methodUpdateConfiguration Reloads the configuration for this PhasorDataConcentratorBase.
(Inherited from PhasorDataConcentratorBase)
Public eventConfigurationChanged Event is raised when adapter is aware of a configuration change.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public eventDiscardingMeasurements This event is raised if there are any measurements being discarded during the sorting process.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public eventDisposed This event is raised when ConcentratorBase is disposed.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public eventInputMeasurementKeysUpdated Event is raised when InputMeasurementKeys are updated.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public eventNewMeasurements Provides new measurements from action adapter.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public eventOutputMeasurementsUpdated Event is raised when OutputMeasurements are updated.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public eventProcessException This event is raised if there is an exception encountered while attempting to process a frame in the sample queue.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
Public eventStatusMessage Provides status messages to consumer.
(Inherited from ActionAdapterBase)
Public eventUnpublishedSamples This event is raised every 5 seconds allowing consumer to track current number of unpublished seconds of data in the queue.
(Inherited from ConcentratorBase)
See Also