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Grid Solutions Framework

TagRemovalOperation Enumeration

Enumeration that defines the available operations for PI tag removal during metadata synchronization.

Namespace: PIAdapters
Assembly: PIAdapters (in PIAdapters.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public enum TagRemovalOperation
Member nameValueDescription
DoNotRemove0 Do not remove any existing PI tags. This is the default operation.
LocalOnly1 Remove any PI tags where the PI point source matches the setting defined in the PI output adapter and the PI tag no longer exists in the local metadata. This is the recommended option when it is desirable that any locally defined tags that get removed also get removed from PI.
FullClone2 Remove any PI tags where existing measurement signal ID is not found in any extended descriptors. Use with caution as metadata in PI will be updated to exactly match local metadata.
See Also