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Grid Solutions Framework

IDataSourceValueTypeT Interface

Defines an interface for a typed data source value.

Namespace: GrafanaAdapters.DataSourceValueTypes
Assembly: GrafanaAdapters (in GrafanaAdapters.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public interface IDataSourceValueType<T> : IDataSourceValueType, 
	IComparable<T>, IEquatable<T>
where T : struct, new(), IDataSourceValueType
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Type Parameters

Target IDataSourceValueType type.

The IDataSourceValueTypeT type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAugmentMetadata Gets function that augments metadata for the data source, or null if metadata augmentation is not needed.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyDataTypeIndex Gets the data source value type index.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyFlags Gets measurement state and quality flags of data source value type.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyLoadOrder Gets the desired load order for the data source value type.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyMetadataTableName Gets the name of the primary metadata table for the data source.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyRequiredMetadataFieldNames Gets the names of the required metadata fields for the data source.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyTarget Gets the query target, e.g., a point-tag.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyTime Gets timestamp, in Unix epoch milliseconds, of data source value type.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyTimeSeriesValue Gets time-series array values of the data source value type, e.g., [Value, Time].
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyTimeSeriesValueDefinition Gets the format definition of a time-series array value, e.g., ["Value", "Time"].
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyValue Gets the value of data source value type.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public propertyValueIndex Gets the index of the value within the TimeSeriesValue array.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public methodAssignToTimeValueMap Assign queried data source value to time-value map.
Public methodCompareToCompares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
(Inherited from IComparableT)
Public methodEqualsIndicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
(Inherited from IEquatableT)
Public methodGetTargetIDSet Gets the set of measurement key and point tag identifiers associated with a target.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public methodLookupMetadata Looks up metadata record for the specified target.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public methodRecordFromKey Gets the metadata record for the specified measurement key.
(Inherited from IDataSourceValueType)
Public methodTransposeCompute Executes provided function for data source fields, applying the results to a copy of the data source value type and returns the new result.
See Also