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Grid Solutions Framework

PIOutputAdapter Properties

The PIOutputAdapter type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AddTagCompressionState Gets or sets the flag that determines if the compression enabled state should be added for new tags.
Public property ArchiveFilterDataTypes Gets or sets the data types to archive. Value of * (or empty string) means all values archived, DIGI means only archive digital values. Separate multiple values with a comma, for example: DIGI,VPHM,FREQ.
Public property ArchiveOnChangeDataTypes Gets or sets the data types to only archive on change. Empty string value means all values archived, * means archive all values on change, DIGI means only archive digital values on change. Separate multiple values with a comma, for example: DIGI,VPHM,FREQ.
Public property AutoCreateTags Gets or sets whether this adapter should automatically create new tags when managing metadata for PI points.
Public property AutoRemoveTags Gets or sets whether this adapter should automatically remove PI tags that no longer exist locally in metadata.
Public property AutoStart Gets or sets flag indicating if adapter should automatically start or otherwise connect on demand.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property AutoUpdateTags Gets or sets whether this adapter should automatically update existing tags when managing metadata for PI points.
Public property BadDataValueStatus Gets or sets the PI AF value status to use when storing measurements that have been marked as having bad data.
Public property BadTimeValueStatus Gets or sets the PI AF value status to use when storing measurements that have been marked as having bad time.
Public property CompDevDataTypeMap Gets or sets the defined compression deviations for data types used when AddTagCompressionState or UpdateExistingTagCompressionState is enabled.
Protected property ConnectionAttemptInterval Gets or sets the connection attempt interval, in milliseconds, for the data output adapter.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property ConnectionInfo Gets connection info for adapter, if any.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property ConnectionString Gets or sets key/value pair connection information specific to this AdapterBase.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property ConnectTimeout Gets or sets the timeout interval (in milliseconds) for the adapter's connection.
Public property DataSource Gets or sets DataSet based data source available to this PIOutputAdapter.
(Overrides OutputAdapterBaseDataSource)
Public property DigitalBitExcludedExpressions Gets or sets the semicolon separated regular expressions for excluding digital labels from being expanded to tags.
Public property DigitalBitStateExpressionMap Gets or sets the semicolon separated pre-existing digital bit state set names mapped to a regular expression for matching digital labels. Use format "DigitalStateName=Expression;DigitalStateName=Expression;...". Use "*" for default expression.
Public property DigitalBitTagNameExpressionMap Gets or sets the semicolon separated digital state set name to tag name expression map. One expression should exist for each state defined in DigitalBitStateExpressionMap. Use format "DigitalStateName=Expression;DigitalStateName=Expression;...". Use "*" for default expression.
Public property Enabled Gets or sets enabled state of this AdapterBase.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property EnableTimeReasonabilityCheck Gets or sets flag that indicates if incoming timestamps to the historian should be validated for reasonability.
Public property ExpandDigitalBitsToTags Gets or sets flag that determines if digital bits should be expanded to tags.
Public property ExpandQualityBitsToTags Gets or sets flag that determines if IEEE C37.118 quality bits should be expanded to tags.
Public property ExpandStatusBitsToTags Gets or sets flag that determines if IEEE C37.118 status bits should be expanded to tags.
Public property FutureTimeReasonabilityLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of seconds that a future timestamp, as compared to local clock, will be considered valid.
Public property ID Gets or sets numeric ID associated with this AdapterBase.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property IEEEC37118DigitalStates Gets or sets the comma separated digital state set names for IEEE C37.118 status states. Specify digital state set name for each of the following digital states using value of 'X' (without quotes) as the name to indicate state is not mapped: CompositeQual, ConfigChange, ConnectState, DataSorting, DataValid, LeapSecond, NominalFreq, PMUError, SyncError, Timelock, TimeQuality, and Trigger. If digital state sets are predefined, state values are expected to be zero based and incremented by one for each value. If specified digital set name does not exist, it will be created.
Public property IEEEC37118TagNameExpressions Gets or sets the semicolon separated tag naming expressions for IEEE C37.118 status states. Specify tag naming expression for each of the following digital states: CompositeQual, ConfigChange, ConnectState, DataSorting, DataValid, LeapSecond, NominalFreq, PMUError, SyncError, Timelock, TimeQuality, and Trigger. Expression can be left blank if no digital state name is mapped for the corresponding state in IEEEC37118DigitalStates.
Public property InitializationTimeout Gets or sets maximum time system will wait during Start for initialization.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property Initialized Gets or sets flag indicating if the adapter has been initialized successfully.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property InputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets primary keys of input measurements the PIOutputAdapter expects.
(Overrides AdapterBaseInputMeasurementKeys)
Public property InputMeasurementKeyTypes Gets or sets input measurement SignalType's for each of the InputMeasurementKeys, if any.
Public property InputSourceIDs Gets or sets Source values used to filter input measurements.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Protected property InternalProcessQueue Allows derived class access to internal processing queue.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property IsDisposed Gets a flag that indicates whether the object has been disposed.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Protected property Log Log messages generated by an adapter.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property MaximumPointResolution Gets or sets the maximum time resolution, in seconds, for data points being archived, e.g., a value 1.0 would mean that data would be archived no more than once per second. A zero value indicates that all data should be archived.
Public property MeasurementReportingInterval Gets or sets the measurement reporting interval.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Protected property MetadataRefreshOperation Gets the operation that calls ExecuteMetadataRefresh.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of this AdapterBase.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property OutputIsForArchive Returns true to indicate that this PIOutputAdapter is sending measurements to a historian, OSIsoft PI.
(Overrides OutputAdapterBaseOutputIsForArchive)
Public property OutputMeasurements Gets or sets output measurements that the AdapterBase will produce, if any.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property Password Gets or sets the password used for the adapter's PI connection.
Public property PastTimeReasonabilityLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of seconds that a past timestamp, as compared to local clock, will be considered valid.
Public property PIPointClass Gets or sets the point class string used when automatically creating new PI points during the metadata update. On the PI server, this class should inherit from classic.
Public property PIPointSource Gets or sets the point source string used when automatically creating new PI points during the metadata update
Public property ProcessedMeasurements Gets the total number of measurements handled thus far by the AdapterBase.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property ProcessingInterval Gets or sets the desired processing interval, in milliseconds, for the output adapter.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property ReplaceValues Gets or sets flag that determines if existing PI values should be replaced when UseCompression is enabled.
Public property RequestedInputMeasurementKeys Gets or sets input measurement keys that are requested by other adapters based on what adapter says it can provide.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property RequeueOnException Gets or sets whether or not to automatically place measurements back into the processing queue if an exception occurs while processing. Defaults to false.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property RunMetadataSync Gets or sets whether this adapter should automatically manage metadata for PI points.
Public property RunTime Gets the total amount of time, in seconds, that the adapter has been active.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property ServerName Gets or sets the name of the PI server for the adapter's PI connection.
Public property Settings Gets settings DictionaryTKey, TValue parsed when ConnectionString was assigned.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property SkipAnalogAlternateTagSync Gets or sets flag that determines if tag synchronization should skip analogs when alternate tag field is being used.
Public property SkipDigitalAlternateTagSync Gets or sets flag that determines if tag synchronization should skip digitals when alternate tag field is being used.
Public property SpanDataTypeMap Gets or sets the defined value spans for data types used when AddTagCompressionState or UpdateExistingTagCompressionState is enabled.
Public property StartTime Gets the UTC time this AdapterBase was started.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property StartTimeConstraint Gets the start time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property Status Returns the detailed status of the data output source.
(Overrides OutputAdapterBaseStatus)
Public property StepEnabledDataTypeMap Gets or sets the defined step enabled for values for data types used when AddTagCompressionState or UpdateExistingTagCompressionState is enabled.
Public property StopTime Gets the UTC time this AdapterBase was stopped.
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property StopTimeConstraint Gets the stop time temporal processing constraint defined by call to SetTemporalConstraint(String, String, String).
(Inherited from AdapterBase)
Public property SupportsTemporalProcessing Gets the flag indicating if this OutputAdapterBase implementation supports temporal processing.
(Inherited from OutputAdapterBase)
Public property SyncAlternateTagOnly Gets or sets flag that determines if tag synchronization should only use alternate tag fields.
Public property TagMapCacheFileName Gets or sets the filename to be used for tag map cache.
Public property TagNamePrefixRemoveCount Gets or sets the number of tag name prefixes, e.g., "SOURCE!", applied by subscriptions to remove from PI tag names.
Public property UpdateExistingDescriptorState Gets or sets the flag that determines if the descriptor state should be updated for existing tags.
Public property UpdateExistingTagCompressionState Gets or sets the flag that determines if the compression enabled state, per UseCompression flag, should be adjusted for existing tags, overriding existing configuration.
Protected property UseAsyncConnect Returns false to indicate that this PIOutputAdapter will connect synchronously.
(Overrides OutputAdapterBaseUseAsyncConnect)
Public property UseCompression Gets or sets the flag that determines if compression will be used during archiving when compression is configured for tag. If disabled, configured tag compression and ReplaceValues setting are ignored.
Public property UserName Gets or sets the name of the PI user ID for the adapter's PI connection.
Public property WriteDigitalWord Gets or sets flag that determines if digital word should be written to PI as a separate tag. Commonly disabled if digital bits are expanded to tags, see ExpandDigitalBitsToTags.
Public property WriteQualityWord Gets or sets flag that determines if quality word should be written to PI as a separate tag. Commonly disabled if IEEE C37.118 quality bits are expanded to tags, see ExpandQualityBitsToTags.
Public property WriteStatusWord Gets or sets flag that determines if status word should be written to PI as a separate tag. Commonly disabled if IEEE C37.118 status bits are expanded to tags, see ExpandStatusBitsToTags.
Public property ZeroValueDataTypeMap Gets or sets the defined zero values for data types used when AddTagCompressionState or UpdateExistingTagCompressionState is enabled.
See Also