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Grid Solutions Framework

CommonPhasorServicesCreatePointTag Method

Create a new point tag using the configured point tag name expression.

Namespace: PhasorProtocolAdapters
Assembly: PhasorProtocolAdapters (in PhasorProtocolAdapters.dll) Version: 2.4.191-beta
public static string CreatePointTag(
	string companyAcronym,
	string deviceAcronym,
	string vendorAcronym,
	string signalTypeAcronym,
	string label = null,
	int signalIndex = -1,
	char phase = '_',
	int baseKV = 0
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companyAcronym  String
Company name acronym to use for the point tag.
deviceAcronym  String
Device name acronym to use for the point tag.
vendorAcronym  String
Vendor name acronym to use for the point tag. Can be null.
signalTypeAcronym  String
Acronym of signal type of the point.
label  String  (Optional)
The label associated with the point, e.g., the phasor or analog label.
signalIndex  Int32  (Optional)
Signal index of the point, if any.
phase  Char  (Optional)
Signal phase of the point, if any.
baseKV  Int32  (Optional)
Nominal kV of line associated with phasor.

Return Value

A new point tag created using the configured point tag name expression.
See Also