Macrodyne set and request commands enumeration.

C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
[SerializableAttribute] public enum DeviceCommand
<SerializableAttribute> _ Public Enumeration DeviceCommand
[SerializableAttribute] public enum class DeviceCommand

Member | Description |
SelectEvent1 |
Select Event 1.
SelectEvent2 |
Select Event 2.
SelectEvent3 |
Select Event 3.
SelectEvent4 |
Select Event 4.
SelectEvent5 |
Select Event 5.
SelectEvent6 |
Select Event 6.
SelectEvent7 |
Select Event 7.
SelectEvent8 |
Select Event 8.
SelectEvent9 |
Select Event 9.
SelectEvent10 |
Select Event 10.
SelectEvent11 |
Select Event 11.
SelectEvent12 |
Select Event 12.
SelectEvent13 |
Select Event 13.
SelectEvent14 |
Select Event 14.
SelectEvent15 |
Select Event 15.
SelectEvent16 |
Select Event 16.
EraseSelectedEvent |
Erase selected event.
ForceEvent |
Force an event.
SetOneSecondPreTriggerValue |
Set the 1 second table pre-trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetExtendedPreTriggerValue |
Set the extended table pre-trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetUnitID |
Set the unit ID (8 ASCII bytes) to the values in the 8 byte buffer (set using SendUnitIDData.
StartOnlineData |
Start sending ON-LINE data down this port (the port the command was received on).
StopOnlineData |
Stop sending ON-LINE data or reference data down this port.
StartSendingReferencePort1 |
Start sending the reference down port1.
StartSendingReferencePort2 |
Start sending the reference down port2.
StopSendingReference |
Stop sending the reference down either port.
EnableReferenceReception |
Enable the reference reception in any port.
DisableReferenceReception |
Disable the reference reception in any port.
RebootUnit |
Re-boot the PMU code from the EEPROM and re-start the unit.
ResetUnitAndFlags |
Reset the unit and reset the flags.
Set2CycleOutputRate |
Set the output rate to 2 cycles (i.e. 30 times/sec).
Set5CycleOutputRate |
Set the output rate to 5 cycles (i.e. 12 times/sec).
Set10CycleOutputRate |
Set the output rate to 10 cycles (i.e. 6 times/sec).
Use5Phasors |
Set the PMU for 5 phasors.
Use4Phasors |
Set the PMU for 4 phasors.
Use3Phasors |
Set the PMU for 3 phasors.
Use2Phasors |
Set the PMU for 2 phasors.
Use1Phasor |
Set the PMU for 1 phasor.
SetMScaleValue |
Set mscale to the value in the word buffer.
EnableAllTriggers |
Enable all triggers.
DisableAllTriggers |
Disable all triggers.
SetVMinTrigger |
Set the VMIN trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetVMaxTrigger |
Set the VMAX trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetAngdTrigger |
Set the ANGD trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetFreqTrigger |
Set the FREQ trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetDfDtTrigger |
Set the DFDT trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetLncmTrigger |
Set the LNCM trigger to the value in the word buffer.
SetVCoefValue |
Set the VCOEF value to the value in the word buffer.
SetFCoefValue |
Set the FCOEF value to the value in the word buffer.
SetDCoefValue |
Set the DCOEF value to the value in the word buffer.
SetNrmDigState |
Set the NRM_DIG (normal state of digital channel) to the value in the word buffer.
SetDigEnbTrigger |
Set the DIG_ENB (digital channel trigger enable) to the value in the word buffer.
ResetOnlineDataFormat |
Reset the ON-LINE data format to the default setting.
AddSecondStatus |
Add the second status byte to the ON-LINE data.
AddTimeStamp |
Add the time stamp to the ON-LINE data.
AddSecondPhasor |
Add the second phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddThirdPhasor |
Add the third phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddForthPhasor |
Add the fourth phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddFifthPhasor |
Add the fifth phasor to the ON-LINE data.
AddReferencePhasor |
Add the reference phasor to the ON-LINE data.
SetVMinOperationalLimit |
Set the VMIN operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetVMaxOperationalLimit |
Set the VMAX operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetAngdOperationalLimit |
Set the ANGD operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetFreqOperationalLimit |
Set the FREQ operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetDfDtOperationalLimit |
Set the DFDT operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetLncmOperationalLimit |
Set the LNCM operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
SetDigitalOperationalLimit |
Set the digital channels operational limit to the value in the byte buffer.
ResetOperationalLimitCounters |
Reset all operational limit counters (ANALOG AND DIGITAL) to 0.
AddDigitals |
Add digital channels to the ON-LINE data.
SetPhasorType |
Set the first set of analog channels to the value in the word buffer which designates what each channel will be, VOLTAGE or CURRENT.
SetGpsTransparentMode |
Set GPS to transparent mode (host port A only).
SendCommandToSecondBoard |
Send this command when the following command refers to the second board.
SetDigitalsTo16 |
Set the number of Digital Channels to 16.
SetDigitalsTo32 |
Set the number of Digital Channels to 32.
SetRawPreTriggerValue |
Set Raw data pretrigger to the value in the word buffer.
StartDebugMode |
Start Debug Mode. Stops PMU program and enters the debugger.
RequestStatus1Flags |
Request STATU1 flag (1 response byte).
RequestStatus2Flags |
Request STATU2 flag (1 response byte).
RequestOnlineDataFormat |
Request ON-LINE data format (2 response bytes).
RequestOperationalLimitFlags |
Request operational limit reached flags (3 response bytes).
RequestWordBufferValue |
Request value in word buffer (2 response bytes).
RequestByteBufferValue |
Request value in byte buffer (1 response byte).
RequestTimeTagValue |
Request current time tag string (6 response bytes).
RequestUnitStatus |
Request unit status.
RequestAnalogTriggerValues |
Request analog trigger values (18 response bytes).
RequestVMinTriggerValue |
Request VMIN trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestVMaxTriggerValue |
Request VMAX trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestAngdTriggerValue |
Request ANGD trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestFreqTriggerValue |
Request FREQ trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestDfDtTriggerValue |
Request DFDT trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestLncmTriggerValue |
Request LNCM trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestVCoefTriggerValue |
Request VCOEF trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestFCoefTriggerValue |
Request FCOEF trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestDCoefTriggerValue |
Request DCOEF trigger value (2 response bytes).
RequestDigitalsNormalState |
Request normal state of digital channels (2 response bytes).
RequestDigitalsTriggerEnabledState |
Request trigger enabled state of digital channels (1 response byte).
RequestUnitIDBufferValue |
Request value in unit ID buffer (8 ASCII response bytes).
RequestPhasorType |
Request the value which determines what each analog channel is, bit # = channel #, 1 = VOLTAGE, 0 = CURRENT.
RequestOneSecondTableLine |
Request table line from 1 second table.
RequestExtendedTableLine |
Request table line from extended table.
RequestPreviousTableLine |
Request previous table line/block.
RequestTableTimeInformation |
Request time information for selected table.
RequestTableTriggerInformation |
Request trigger information for selected table.
RequestTableWithFreezeReason |
Request table with freeze reason (16 response bytes).
RequestTimeOfFreezeTableSize |
Request number of bytes in time of freeze tables (1 response byte).
RequestTimeOfFreezeTables |
Request time of freeze tables.
RequestOperationalLimitsValue |
Request value of operational limits (7 response bytes).
RequestOperationalCountersValue |
Request value of operational counters (6 response bytes).
RequestOperationalDigitalCountsValue |
Request value of operational counts of digital channels (16 response bytes).
RequestRawTableLine |
Request raw table line.
RequestRawTableInformation |
Request raw table information (18 response bytes).
RequestCurrentRawTablePreTrigger |
Request current raw table pretrigger (22 response bytes).
Undefined |
Undefined command.

These commands should be transmitted in big-endian to make sure high word and low word are in the expected order.