Represents a file that contains ArchiveDataPoints.
Declaration Syntax
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
[ToolboxBitmapAttribute(typeof(ArchiveFile))] public class ArchiveFile : Component, IArchive, ISupportLifecycle, IDisposable, ISupportInitialize, IProvideStatus, IPersistSettings
<ToolboxBitmapAttribute(GetType(ArchiveFile))> _ Public Class ArchiveFile _ Inherits Component _ Implements IArchive, ISupportLifecycle, IDisposable, ISupportInitialize, _ IProvideStatus, IPersistSettings
[ToolboxBitmapAttribute(typeof(ArchiveFile))] public ref class ArchiveFile : public Component, IArchive, ISupportLifecycle, IDisposable, ISupportInitialize, IProvideStatus, IPersistSettings
All Members | Constructors | Methods | Properties | Fields | Events |
Icon | Member | Description |
ArchiveFile()()() |
Initializes a new instance of the ArchiveFile class.
| |
ArchiveFile(IContainer) |
Initializes a new instance of the ArchiveFile class.
| |
ArchiveOffloadCount |
Gets or sets the number of historic ArchiveFiles to be offloaded to the ArchiveOffloadLocation.
| |
ArchiveOffloadLocation |
Gets or sets the path to the directory where historic ArchiveFiles are to be offloaded to make space in the primary archive location.
| |
ArchiveOffloadThreshold |
Gets or sets the free disk space (in %) of the primary archive location that triggers the offload of historic ArchiveFiles.
| |
BeginInit()()() |
Performs necessary operations before the ArchiveFile properties are initialized.
| |
CacheWrites |
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether writes to the disk are to be cached for performance efficiency.
| |
CanRaiseEvents |
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
Close()()() |
Closes the ArchiveFile if it IsOpen.
| |
CompressData |
Gets or set a boolean value that indicates whether incoming ArchiveDataPoints are to be compressed to save space.
| |
ConserveMemory |
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether memory usage is to be kept low for performance efficiency.
| |
Container |
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
CreateObjRef(Type) |
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
CurrentWriteStatistics |
Gets the ProcessQueueStatistics for the internal current data write ProcessQueue.
| |
DataBlockSize |
Gets or sets the size (in KB) of the ArchiveDataBlocks.
| |
DataWriteException |
Occurs when an Exception is encountered while writing IDataPoint to the current or historic ArchiveFile.
| |
DefaultArchiveOffloadCount |
Specifies the default value for the ArchiveOffloadCount property.
| |
DefaultArchiveOffloadLocation |
Specifies the default value for the ArchiveOffloadLocation property.
| |
DefaultArchiveOffloadThreshold |
Specifies the default value for the ArchiveOffloadThreshold property.
| |
DefaultCacheWrites |
Specifies the default value for the CacheWrites property.
| |
DefaultCompressData |
Specifies the default value for the CompressData property.
| |
DefaultConserveMemory |
Specifies the default value for the ConserveMemory property.
| |
DefaultDataBlockSize |
Specifies the default value for the DataBlockSize property.
| |
DefaultDiscardOutOfSequenceData |
Specifies the default value for the DiscardOutOfSequenceData property.
| |
DefaultFileAccessMode |
Specifies the default value for the FileAccessMode property.
| |
DefaultFileName |
Specifies the default value for the FileName property.
| |
DefaultFileSize |
Specifies the default value for the FileSize property.
| |
DefaultFileType |
Specifies the default value for the FileType property.
| |
DefaultLeadTimeTolerance |
Specifies the default value for the LeadTimeTolerance property.
| |
DefaultPersistSettings |
Specifies the default value for the PersistSettings property.
| |
DefaultRolloverPreparationThreshold |
Specifies the default value for the RolloverPreparationThreshold property.
| |
DefaultSettingsCategory |
Specifies the default value for the SettingsCategory property.
| |
DesignMode |
Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
DiscardOutOfSequenceData |
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether incoming ArchiveDataPoints with out-of-sequence TimeTag are to be discarded.
| |
Dispose(Boolean) |
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ArchiveFile and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Overrides Component.Dispose(Boolean).) | |
Dispose()()() |
Releases all resources used by the Component.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
Disposed |
Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose()()() method.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
Enabled |
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether the ArchiveFile is currently enabled.
| |
EndInit()()() |
Performs necessary operations after the ArchiveFile properties are initialized.
| |
Equals(Object) | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Events |
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
Fat |
Gets the ArchiveFileAllocationTable of the ArchiveFile.
| |
FileAccessMode |
Gets or sets the FileAccess value to use when opening the ArchiveFile.
| |
FileData |
Gets the underlying FileStream of the ArchiveFile.
| |
FileFull |
Occurs when the active ArchiveFile if full.
| |
FileName |
Gets or sets the name of the ArchiveFile.
| |
FileSize |
Gets or sets the size (in MB) of the ArchiveFile.
| |
FileType |
Gets or sets the ArchiveFileType of the ArchiveFile.
| |
Finalize()()() |
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
FutureDataReceived |
Occurs when IDataPoint is received with TimeTag ahead of the local clock by more than the LeadTimeTolerance.
| |
GetHashCode()()() |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
GetLifetimeService()()() |
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
GetService(Type) | (Inherited from Component.) | |
GetType()()() |
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
HistoricDataReceived |
Occurs when IDataPoint that belongs to a historic ArchiveFile is received for archival.
| |
HistoricFileListBuildComplete |
Occurs when the process of building historic ArchiveFile list is complete.
| |
HistoricFileListBuildException |
Occurs when an Exception is encountered in historic ArchiveFile list building process.
| |
HistoricFileListBuildStart |
Occurs when the process of building historic ArchiveFile list is started.
| |
HistoricFileListUpdated |
Occurs when the historic ArchiveFile list is updated to reflect addition or deletion of historic ArchiveFiles.
| |
HistoricWriteStatistics |
Gets the ProcessQueueStatistics for the internal historic data write ProcessQueue.
| |
Initialize()()() |
Initializes the ArchiveFile.
| |
InitializeLifetimeService()()() |
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
IntercomFile |
Gets or sets the IntercomFile used by the ArchiveFile.
| |
IsOpen |
Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the ArchiveFile is currently open.
| |
LeadTimeTolerance |
Gets or sets the number of minutes by which incoming ArchiveDataPoint can be ahead of local system clock and still be considered valid.
| |
LoadSettings()()() |
Loads saved settings for the ArchiveFile from the config file if the PersistSettings property is set to true.
| |
MaximumDataBlocks(Double, Int32) |
Returns the number of ArchiveDataBlocks an ArchiveFile can have.
| |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) |
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
MemberwiseClone()()() |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) | |
MetadataFile |
Gets or sets the MetadataFile used by the ArchiveFile.
| |
Name |
Gets the unique identifier of the ArchiveFile.
| |
OffloadComplete |
Occurs when the process of offloading historic ArchiveFiles is complete.
| |
OffloadException |
Occurs when an Exception is encountered during the historic ArchiveFile offload process.
| |
OffloadProgress |
Occurs when an historic ArchiveFile is being offloaded.
| |
OffloadStart |
Occurs when the process of offloading historic ArchiveFiles is started.
| |
OnDataWriteException(Exception) |
Raises the DataWriteException event.
| |
OnFileFull()()() |
Raises the FileFull event.
| |
OnFutureDataReceived(IDataPoint) |
Raises the FutureDataReceived event.
| |
OnHistoricDataReceived(IDataPoint) |
Raises the HistoricDataReceived event.
| |
OnHistoricFileListBuildComplete()()() |
Raises the HistoricFileListBuildComplete event.
| |
OnHistoricFileListBuildException(Exception) |
Raise the HistoricFileListBuildException event.
| |
OnHistoricFileListBuildStart()()() |
Raises the HistoricFileListBuildStart event.
| |
OnHistoricFileListUpdated()()() |
Raises the HistoricFileListUpdated event.
| |
OnOffloadComplete()()() |
Raises the OffloadComplete event.
| |
OnOffloadException(Exception) |
Raises the OffloadException event.
| |
OnOffloadProgress(ProcessProgress<(Of <(Int32>)>)) |
Raises the OffloadProgress event.
| |
OnOffloadStart()()() |
Raises the OffloadStart event.
| |
OnOrphanDataReceived(IDataPoint) |
Raises the OrphanDataReceived event.
| |
OnOutOfSequenceDataReceived(IDataPoint) |
Raises the OutOfSequenceDataReceived event.
| |
OnProcessAlarmNotification(StateRecord) |
Raises the ProcessAlarmNotification event.
| |
OnRolloverComplete()()() |
Raises the RolloverComplete event.
| |
OnRolloverException(Exception) |
Raises the RolloverException event.
| |
OnRolloverPreparationComplete()()() |
Raises the RolloverPreparationComplete event.
| |
OnRolloverPreparationException(Exception) |
Raises the RolloverPreparationException event.
| |
OnRolloverPreparationStart()()() |
Raises the RolloverPreparationStart event.
| |
OnRolloverStart()()() |
Raises the RolloverStart event.
| |
Open()()() |
Opens the ArchiveFile for use.
| |
OrphanDataReceived |
Occurs when IDataPoint is received for which a StateRecord or MetadataRecord does not exist or is marked as disabled.
| |
OutOfSequenceDataReceived |
Occurs when misaligned (by time) IDataPoint is received for archival.
| |
OutOfSequenceWriteStatistics |
Gets the ProcessQueueStatistics for the internal out-of-sequence data write ProcessQueue.
| |
PersistSettings |
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether the settings of ArchiveFile are to be saved to the config file.
| |
ProcessAlarmNotification |
Occurs when IDataPoint triggers an alarm notification.
| |
ReadData(Int32) |
Reads ArchiveDataPoints from the ArchiveFile.
| |
ReadData(Int32, String) |
Reads ArchiveDataPoints from the ArchiveFile.
| |
ReadData(Int32, String, String) |
Reads ArchiveDataPoints from the ArchiveFile.
| |
ReadData(Int32, DateTime) |
Reads ArchiveDataPoints from the ArchiveFile.
| |
ReadData(Int32, DateTime, DateTime) |
Reads ArchiveDataPoints from the ArchiveFile.
| |
ReadData(Int32, TimeTag) |
Reads ArchiveDataPoints from the ArchiveFile.
| |
ReadData(Int32, TimeTag, TimeTag) |
Reads ArchiveDataPoints from the ArchiveFile.
| |
ReadMetaData(Int32) |
Reads BinaryImage for the specified historianID.
| |
ReadMetaDataSummary(Int32) |
Reads BinaryImage for the specified historianID.
| |
ReadStateData(Int32) |
Reads BinaryImage for the specified historianID.
| |
ReadStateDataSummary(Int32) |
Reads BinaryImage for the specified historianID.
| |
Rollover()()() |
Performs rollover of active ArchiveFile to a new ArchiveFile.
| |
RolloverComplete |
Occurs when Rollover()()() to a new ArchiveFile is complete.
| |
RolloverException |
Occurs when an Exception is encountered during the Rollover()()() process.
| |
RolloverPreparationComplete |
Occurs when the process of creating a standby ArchiveFile is complete.
| |
RolloverPreparationException |
Occurs when an Exception is encountered during the standby ArchiveFile creation process.
| |
RolloverPreparationStart |
Occurs when the process of creating a standby ArchiveFile is started.
| |
RolloverPreparationThreshold |
Gets or sets the ArchiveFile usage (in %) that will trigger the creation of an empty ArchiveFile for rollover.
| |
RolloverStart |
Occurs when Rollover()()() to a new ArchiveFile is started.
| |
Save()()() |
Saves the ArchiveFile.
| |
SaveSettings()()() |
Saves settings for the ArchiveFile to the config file if the PersistSettings property is set to true.
| |
SettingsCategory |
Gets or sets the category under which the settings of ArchiveFile are to be saved to the config file if the PersistSettings property is set to true.
| |
Site | (Inherited from Component.) | |
StateFile |
Gets or sets the StateFile used by the ArchiveFile.
| |
Statistics |
Gets the ArchiveFileStatistics object of the ArchiveFile.
| |
Status |
Gets the descriptive status of the ArchiveFile.
| |
ToString()()() |
Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Inherited from Component.) | |
WriteData(IDataPoint) |
Writes the specified dataPoint to the ArchiveFile.
| |
WriteData(IEnumerable<(Of <(IDataPoint>)>)) |
Writes the specified dataPoints to the ArchiveFile.
| |
WriteMetaData(Int32, array<Byte>[]()[]) |
Writes metadata for the specified historianID.
| |
WriteStateData(Int32, array<Byte>[]()[]) |
Writes statedata for the specified historianID.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object | |||
MarshalByRefObject | |||
Component | |||
ArchiveFile |